Your Shopping Cart Product Price Quantity Total × Close coupled toilet ( WC pan & 450mm lever flush cistern ) £439.00 £439.00 × Advocato Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Midnight Blue Coloured Cistern £425.00 £425.00 × Mimose Classic Coloured Cisterns £425.00 £425.00 × Creme Coloured Cistern £425.00 £850.00 × Linden Green Coloured Cistern £425.00 £850.00 × Bamboo Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Burgundy Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Freshwater Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Autumn Tan Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Gazelle Coloured Cistern £425.00 £425.00 × Aqua Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 × Royalex Avocado 560mm X 410 Mm 2h Basin £207.60 £415.20 × Primrose Yellow Art Deco Toilet basin and bath £2,555.00 £2,555.00 × Primrose Yellow Basin and Pedestal £450.00 £450.00 × Pink Contemporary basin and Pedestal £895.00 £895.00 × Almond Classic Coloured Cistern £325.00 £325.00 Coupon: Cart Totals Subtotal £10,004.20 Shipping Shipping: £45.00 Total £10,049.20 Proceed to Checkout +12