Your Shopping Cart Product Price Quantity Total × Armitage Shanks Cameo Semi countertop basin white £395.00 £395.00 × Doulton Wild Sage Basin £295.00 £295.00 × Silverdale Victorian 400mm Micro Basin £225.00 £225.00 × Avocado ArtDeco Cloakroom Basin and Washstand £785.00 £785.00 × Champagne retro basin 60cm x 44cm £295.00 £295.00 × Silverdale Victorian Blue Garden Pattern 635mm Wide Basin with Full Pedestal £935.00 £935.00 × Pink Rope Traditional Basin and Pedestal £600.00 £600.00 × Regal Blue Art Deco Basin and Gold Washstand £850.00 £850.00 × BURLINGTON CLASSIC 65CM BASIN WITH INVISIBLE WASTE & BASIN STAND £749.00 £749.00 Coupon: Cart Totals Subtotal £5,129.00 Shipping Shipping: £45.00 Total £5,174.00 Proceed to Checkout +11